Cameron had a great big weekend. He started out with his first semi-sorta violin recital at school.

These are all of the beginning violinists at Abraham Lincoln. Cameron is also taking private lessons with a very serious Julliard-trained violin teacher.

Saturday was the ScoutORama, a vast conclave of Cub and Boy Scouts from all over Arizona.

One of hundreds of the ScoutORama events.

On Sunday we celebrated Cam's ninth birthday with a basketball-themed party.

For the party we got a bouncing basketball court.

Cameron's mother, Ann, and his brother, Christopher, were in town to take in all of the events of the weekend.

Greg's Latin professor, Mary Schlueter, came to the party and gave Cameron a great gift--a Roman treasure chest.

Cameron looking over his horde of gifts.

Opening gifts—with avid assistance.

Cameron and his basketball piñata.

Happy Birthday, Cameron!