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At the end of everything I post publicly, I always say, "Permission is explicitly granted to repost/republish unmodified," and I always get very polite mail from people asking, "Even this way? Even that way?" Because this issue is so important to me, I want to emphasize my blanket permission. Please feel free to propagate this any way you can think of, in any medium, as many times as you want. I would love it if you were to typeset it and hand out copies at your next school board meeting. At any rate, I hope you will avail yourself of it when the book banners come around for Twain or Golding or Shakespeare--when they come around for your children. I can think of no better use for my life than to set my shoulder beside yours to push back the darkness of savagery; I will be honored to help in the small way I can. --GSS

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