The Ramblin' Gamblin' Willie stories have been written all through the
'80s and '90s. Some are timeless, but some are clearly stuck in the
Reagan era. Willie is still wandering about, and a certain Nurse
Martinetti is still making plans to stop his wandering...
Hail to the chump: Willie's war on Billary Rodham Clintonanist
Nick and Norm drive the point home
A Costco family Christmas
The season's greetings
A canticle for Kathleen Sullivan
"Jihad, Las Vegas!"
How to slay dragons...
A future more vivid
Pavlov's sheep at the WTO...
Christmas at the cemetery--with Bubba
Merry Christmas, Princess Peach
Pretty Good Pugnacity
How Bubba pulled it off
The Clinton Deathwatch News...
Bubba cools out in the cold
Anastasia in the light and shadow
Bubba Borgia
The Desperation Waltz
Cooler than a corpse...
Public service--with a smile
Love among the nerds
Courtney at the speed of life
A father for Christmas
"Bombing sensation! Five dead! Film at seven!"
Freeing Jefferson's slaves
(and a postscript about propagation)
Cinderella's memories of the zoo
America's Most Educated
Cruising Usenet with The Grand Inquisitor
Destiny Blaze
Willie's FREE! guide to netspeak
Topping tonight's headlines...
Space Venturi, net.detective
A girl and her bat go shopping
Xavier's destiny
His master's voice...
A dumpster diver's Christmas
The Spirit of Christmas
How the bank robbed Bonnie and Clyde
Prufrock's honor...
The purpose of terrorism...
Mary Canary on her way to feed the pigeons
Tête-à-tête in Tombstone
Reflecting His Radiance...
The Goddess and Everywoman
Talkin' 'bout my g-generation...
Where there's smoke, there's firepower
When you've got your health, you've got everything...
'Keep Those Prohibitions Coming!'
Media Finds No Evidence of Bias (Surprise!)
How I Foiled the Yuppie Burglar
A Call for Digital Temperance...
'I have been to Ceres!'
How to engineer a happy ending...
Corporate Entrepreneurs?: 'Whatever you say, J.B.'
How Cosmo Overcame Trans-Universal Envy
How to die by the rules...
'Wha's happenin'?' 'Nothing. Go back to sleep.'
'Bigger Than Elvis'...
How to 'Feed the People'...
A Key to Destiny...
How She Became a White Male
Marla the Adorable
The Man Who Sells Nothing...
The World, As Seen In Two Dimensions
Why the Lady is a PAC...
The Persona Store
The Power of Pity
The Value of 'Peaceful Protest'...
Why the Quantum Leapers Didn't Leap...
How Tubby triumphed over terrorism...
'You could be set for life!'
The War for Independence at the Hotel Port-au-Prince
Comparable worth at the supermarket...