These are the many indiginities I have heaped
upon Bill Clinton and his insufferable wife:
Where there's smoke, there's firepower
Clinton, Hillary and Janet Reno, diguised as high school
administrators, effect a Waco-like pogrom against teenage
When you've got your health, you've got everything...
Hillary, in the guise of Nurse Martinetti, explains the
inestimable benefits of socialized medicine
The purpose of terrorism...
The purpose of terrorism is... ratings...
His master's voice...
The Bastard-in-Chief celebrates the voluntary
self-censorship of the American media
Topping tonight's headlines...
News reports from the 1996 presidental election
Public service--with a smile
Why Clinton's national service scheme really
isn't slavery...
Bubba Borgia
The president escapes from the White House for
a night of beer and lamenations
Bubba cools out in the cold
Clinton's Last Days--wine and whining in
Lafayette Park...
The Clinton Deathwatch News...
A news report from the last days of "the most
ethical administration in history"...
How Bubba pulled it off
An informal interview with our Kiss-It-And-Don't-Tell
Pretty Good Pugnacity
Are you a True American?: Monkeywrenching the Big Creep on privacy
Christmas at the cemetery--with Bubba
"Shall I write your epitaph? 'William Jefferson Blythe
Clinton, paternity unknown. He lived a lie and he died a lie and
the only honest parts of him are buried here.'"