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Egoism Individualism Sovereignty Splendor (These ideas are explicated in this sloppy manifesto) SplendorQuotes: Splendor is the interior experience of being so enthralled by the act of creating the values that contribute to and ultimately comprise your idealized perfect self that, while you are experiencing it, you are your idealized perfect self. Living is what you're doing when you're too enthralled to notice. Dying is what you're doing when all you can do is notice. Man is the only animal capable of comprehending what his life requires, and he is the only animal capable of failing to do what his life requires. Self-love is the joy and reverence you earn and deserve by the relentless pursuit of your deepest desire. Self-esteem is the high regard in which you presume to hold yourself in appreciation for the accomplishment of absolutely nothing. Greg Swann's writings Wild Cochise Gang: Our family pages and Christmas cards Read my free e-book about love, splendor and philosophy, The Unfallen My Myers-Briggs type is ESTJ: Administrator--Much in touch with the external environment. Very responsible. Pillar of strength. 8.7% of population. Take a free Myers-Briggs personality test. War with Iraq: The Cain Doctrine The 'wrest' of the story Taking a better grip Why the Bush Doctrine will prevail--and fail A Just and Libertarian war... Persephone's second coming... presence of the recent past Nick and Norm drive the point home A Costco family Christmas Hang tough The season's greetings Curing the incuriosity of the East A canticle for Kathleen Sullivan Colloquy with a goat Back-handing the sinister American left To Condi, with sweetness Reds Sacrificing Diana Defusing the Unabomber Let 'em eat steak Shyly's delight Anastasia in the light and shadow Archives Join the email update list ![]()
Saturday, January 11, 2003
Praise by faint damnation promotes terrorism Domestic enviroterrorists are blowing up SUVs on dealer's lots. That's news, but in America we don't get news, we just get jumping-off points for PR campaigns. This story at ABCNEWS.com uses SUV bombings as a pretext to give ink to Arianna Huffington's anti-SUV ads, to the illiterate manifesti of the Earth Liberation Front, and to college professors who claim that the House of Saud does not fund terrorism. The most amusing part of the whole exercise, though, was this: Huffington said she had received 5,000 e-mails by the next morning from people offering to help pay for the campaign.Oh, sure. Who could doubt that that's what the emails said? Thursday, January 09, 2003
Nick and Norm drive the point home A Ramblin' Gamblin' Willie story by Greg Swann Nick: So now driving an SUV funds terrorism...? Norm: Yup. Nick: An SUV? Norm: Yup. Nick: Just driving it. Not driving the getaway car for a bank robbery? Norm: Just driving. Nick: Not smuggling an SUV-load of the drugs you say fund terrorism? Norm: Just driving. It's the gas. Nick: The gas I put into my SUV? Norm: That gas. Nick: Not the gas I put into my sedan? Norm: Nope. Nick: Not the gas I put into my lawn mower? Norm: Nope. Driving SUVs funds terrorism. Nick: What about Honda SUVs? They're not even really SUVs, just fat, ugly cars. Norm: Driving SUVs funds terrorism. Nick: What about those little Suburu SUVs? I mean they're practically like station wagons. Norm: Driving SUVs funds terrorism. Nick: What about pick-up trucks? That's what a real SUV is, after all. Norm: Driving SUVs funds terrorism. Two white guys in suits talking about terrorism. Who does that influence? Nick: ...White guys in suits, I guess. Really dumb white guys in suits. Norm: Exactly. Not pick-up drivers. SUV drivers. Nick: So that's why driving SUVs funds terrorism... Norm: And buying jewelry at the mall. Nick: No way! Norm: Buying jewelry at the mall funds terrorism. Nick: Jewelry... At the mall... Norm: And buying smuggled cigarettes. Nick: I'm on the patch. Norm: And sending your children to college. Nick: Grace got the kids, you know that. Norm: I'm not talking about kids. I'm talking about all the ways really dumb white guys in suits fund terrorism. Nick: Really dumb guys? Norm: The dumbest. Nick: Dumber than those guys in the FedEx commercials. Norm: Stealing ideas from FedEx commercials funds terrorism. Nick: But I mean, guys so dumb they'll believe the stupidest arguments? Norm: That dumb. Nick: Guys who'll believe that drug buyers fund terrorism, but the laws that make selling drugs so profitable don't? Norm: Guys that dumb. Nick: Guys who'll believe that it's the cigarettes but not the cigarette taxes that make them worth smuggling? Norm: Guys that dumb. Think about this one. Nick: Okay. Norm: See a penny? Nick: Got it. Norm: Pick it up? Nick: Yeah. So? Norm: Funds terrorism. Nick: What if I just leave the penny where it is? Norm: Even worse. Wednesday, January 08, 2003
For organ transplant candidates, death by communist propaganda... In the Jewish World Review Amitai Etzioni shows us how freedom's best enemies are her so-called friends: That said, I see a danger in paying for doing things we ought to do out of moral commitment. Furthermore, when we turn organs into a commodity, we lose the sense of closeness people have when they act as family or friends rather than as traders.Now carrots are sold cash-and-carry. There's a profound moral commitment involved--thousands of 'em--but none that Etzioni would approve of. The thing is, I have my choice of far more carrots than I could ever consume. No "sense of closeness," just more than enough carrots. In "The Price of 'free' organs" I said of transplantable organs: At present, you are forbidden by law to do anything with them but trash them or give them away, and then only post mortem. And yet demand far exceeds supply, a clear indication that Socialism has failed. Again.Etzioni knows that his pet flavor of communism does not work. But he wants that communism so desperately that he is perfectly happy to deliver innocent people to their deaths rather than to renounce it and accept that the economic system that delivers carrots in such abundance--Capitalism--will do the same for transplantable organs. Whether or not this is moral depends on how you feel about preventable death, I suppose. I say Etzioni is a ghoul. You have the right to remain docile... At Improved Clinch John Venlet relates a story of peaceful dispute resolution, which, all appearances to the contrary, is not illegal. At this point Officer Smith is getting a touch exasperated. He informs me I am interfering with his duties. I tell Officer Smith that unless he has a runaway report with a warrant he may not enter my home. He concedes the point by calling for assistance. Sgt Buikema arrives in a second squad car. I explain the situation to him and he tells me the rest of the story in a very restrained, surly manner. He doesn?t appreciate my questioning of their authority.A cliche of dysarchy is, "When reason fails, force prevails." This evidently has been shortened to, "Why wait?" Monday, January 06, 2003
A different perspective on Arabia and Warrior cultures... Our anonymous Department of Defense Mid-East Analyst offers this rebuttal to the argument about Warrior cultures: As regards your most recent argument: Islam versus Islamism From Pakistan Today. The article is kind of tough to read in places, but it repays the effort: Islamism, if allowed to go unchecked, will be the undoing of Islam. In order to eradicated terror in all its forms we will have to attack all of its component parts from within.What makes this interesting is that it is written by a Muslim. Cain's World... This morning's New York Times has this: U.S. Is Completing Plan to Promote a Democratic Iraq. President Bush's national security team is assembling final plans for administering and democratizing Iraq after the expected ouster of Saddam Hussein. Those plans call for a heavy American military presence in the country for at least 18 months, military trials of only the most senior Iraqi leaders and quick takeover of the country's oil fields to pay for reconstruction.No word on extended Rotarian Kleptocracy, but the Kurds are screwed. Again. Sunday, January 05, 2003
The Cain Doctrine: A short summary of the battle plan for an even shorter war with Iraq Over the past few days I have been outlining what I predict will be the strategy to be deployed in the forthcoming war with Iraq. I had called this 'the Bush Doctrine,' but to distinguish it from any other Bush Doctrines--and because I have related Islamic culture to the Biblical and Koranic story of Cain and Abel--I am calling this strategy 'The Cain Doctrine.' In short statement, The Cain Doctrine is simply this: The objective the United States seeks in making war with Iraq is not any of those that have been imputed, whether by supporters or opponents of the war. The objective is to scare the hell out of the world, generally, and Islam in particular. By means of a minimal effort at wreaking maximum havoc upon Iraq in a very short span of time, the United States will demonstrate to her enemies and allies alike that she is not only the pre-eminent world power, she is in fact an inconquerable power. The anticipated benefits in the Islamic world will be either an immediate rounding-up of terrorists, or swift regime-changes followed by an immediate rounding-up of terrorists. In the Far East, the United States will disarm North Korea, with or without a regime-change, and neither North Korea nor--much more importanly--Red China will do anything to stop it. If all goes as planned--as I surmise it to be planned--Wahabi/Qutbist Islam will be discredited and Islam will return to a self-satisfied navel-contemplation. Red China will apprehend the lesson of the Soviet Union--that no Communist state can compete with the United States in the creation of capital-intensive weapons systems--and will devote its attentions to economic rather than miliatry power. In the short run, The Cain Doctrine will bring about a very rapid and fairly stable world peace. In the long run--if, as I surmise, the United States exports not genuine liberty but rather the Rotarian Kleptocracy that has come to dominate domestic politics--the 'root causes' of terrorism will remain, ready to sprout forth again when conditions are right. These are the essays in which I defend these points, presented in the order they were written:
SplendorQuest: Jonathan's delight... ![]() This is my nephew Jonathan with my sister Gretchen, but I'm not just showing off my relations. I am enthralled by Jonathan's ineffable delight at being alive, and I wish you to understand that this is what I mean by Splendor. Jonathan is just shy of being two years old, and his joy is of the same kind we relish in kittens and puppies--and in Labrador and Golden Retrievers of all ages. Splendor for a homo sapien who has crossed over to conceptual fluency--which Jonathan has yet to do and which dogs and cats can never do--will look different. But from the inside it feels the same. My war is against every contrary to human Splendor. Living is what you're doing when you're too enthralled to notice. Dying is what you're doing when all you can do is notice. To Life! To the life that is a doing, a being, a becoming... |
I am a a Realtor working in sunny Phoenix, Arizona, and the Designated Broker for Bloodhound Reatly. I am an Accredited Buyer's Representative, a Certified Buyer's Representative, a Certified Residential Specialist, an E-Pro Internet Certified Realtor and a Graduate of the Realtor Institute. I speak frequently on real estate issues and write a weekly column for West Valley sections of the Arizona Republic. If you need--or you know someone who needs--to buy or sell a home in the Metropolitan Phoenix area, I would be grateful for the opportunity to compete for the business. I think I represent the best of all worlds: Objectivist intelligence, Libertarian integrity and Catholic conscientiousness. For a liberty-loving take on real estate news, visit the Bloodhound Home Marketing Group weblog. And if what I'm doing suits the readership of your web site or weblog, please do link to it. Or go me one better by putting the customizable button above on your web page. Either way, for every person you refer who buys or sells a home with us, we will donate 10% of our net commission to the charity or advocacy group of your choice (within limits; we won't give money to people who kill people). Find out more from our referral page.
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