
(These ideas are explicated in this sloppy manifesto)

Monday, March 22, 2004
Though the heavens fall!

More creepy crap from my son's school. We are long gone in two month's time, but they seem determined to make things interesting. As Richard Mitchell discovered, more even than public scrutiny, public school teachers abhor public scorn, and I think that may be the actual underlying issue here. So much the worse for them that they picked a fight with someone who has been engaged in public pugilism for more than twenty years. I can think of dozens of interesting ways to make everything all that much more public, and there are several public interest law firms who can do a much better job than I can.

But: Fiat justitia et ruant coeli! Pre-teen drug dealers? Okay. Teeny-tiny taggers? All right. Loose-limbed, slack-jawed, foul-mouthed louts? What of it? Lazy life-long losers? Always welcome. But the one thing we cannot abide in the public schools is free thought!
Dr. Virginia Voinovich
Abraham Lincoln Traditional School
10444 N 39th Av
Phoenix, AZ 85051

Dr. Voinovich,

My son, Cameron Swann, informs me that Abraham Lincoln Traditional School has sent documents to his mother in Seattle that were not shared with me. As you know, I have sole legal custody of Cameron. In consequence, I regard this as an attempt by the school to undermine my relationship with my son and to interfere with his custody.

I will remind you that my son is a consistent presence on your own Principal’s List, an outstanding musician, a candidate for the National Junior Honor Society, etc. He has achieved a long list of academic and extra-curricular distinctions, all of them impressive. His greatest offense against the peace at Abraham Lincoln Traditional School consists of chattering in class. I expect this ex parte contact with Cameron’s mother consists of an attempt to curb his academic willfulness, but this is regarded as a vice only by school teachers. In the real world, intellectual independence is seen as an indispensible virtue. What I wish for you to understand is that, whatever the school’s motivations, in light of Cameron’s exceptional qualities of mind and character, they will seem spiteful and risible on the witness stand.

My expectation is that the Washington School District employs a legal counsel not so that it might intimidate tax-payers engaged in lawful free speech, but rather to limit the District’s exposure to lawsuits. For that reason, I have copied Mr. Shawn Miller on this letter.

Please indicate to me at once, in writing, that this behavior will not be repeated.

Greg Swann

cc: Shawn Miller, Legal Counsel, WESD
