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Egoism Individualism Sovereignty Splendor (These ideas are explicated in this sloppy manifesto) SplendorQuotes: Splendor is the interior experience of being so enthralled by the act of creating the values that contribute to and ultimately comprise your idealized perfect self that, while you are experiencing it, you are your idealized perfect self. Living is what you're doing when you're too enthralled to notice. Dying is what you're doing when all you can do is notice. Man is the only animal capable of comprehending what his life requires, and he is the only animal capable of failing to do what his life requires. Self-love is the joy and reverence you earn and deserve by the relentless pursuit of your deepest desire. Self-esteem is the high regard in which you presume to hold yourself in appreciation for the accomplishment of absolutely nothing. Greg Swann's writings Wild Cochise Gang: Our family pages and Christmas cards Read my free e-book about love, splendor and philosophy, The Unfallen My Myers-Briggs type is ESTJ: Administrator--Much in touch with the external environment. Very responsible. Pillar of strength. 8.7% of population. Take a free Myers-Briggs personality test. War with Iraq: The Cain Doctrine The 'wrest' of the story Taking a better grip Why the Bush Doctrine will prevail--and fail A Just and Libertarian war... Persephone's second coming... presence of the recent past Nick and Norm drive the point home A Costco family Christmas Hang tough The season's greetings Curing the incuriosity of the East A canticle for Kathleen Sullivan Colloquy with a goat Back-handing the sinister American left To Condi, with sweetness Reds Sacrificing Diana Defusing the Unabomber Let 'em eat steak Shyly's delight Anastasia in the light and shadow Archives Join the email update list ![]()
Thursday, August 26, 2004
SwiftVets Ad #3 It's here. Going hard after Christmas in Cambodia, presumably since the mainstream media keeps trying to sweep it under the rug. "How many people invent the turning point of their life and repeat it on the senate floor, in articles and more than 50 times in 35 years?" John O'Neill in a web-based interview on washingtonpost.com. Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Kerry's anti-war book available on-line The New Soldier, the book John Kerry wrote to justify the philosophy of what ultimately became a lazy man's terrorist group, the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, is now (for now?) available here for free. Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Drive On By Johnny Cash Well I got a friend named Whiskey Sam He was my boonierat buddy for a year in 'Nam He said I think my country got a little off track It took 'em twenty-five years to welcome me back But, it's better than not coming back at all Many a good man I saw fall And even now, every time I dream I hear the men and the monkeys in the jungle scream Drive on, it don't mean nothin' My children love me, but they don't understand And I got a woman who knows her man Drive on, it don't mean nothin' It don't mean nothin', drive on Well I remember one night, Tex and me Rappelled in on a hot L.Z. We had our 16's on rock and roll And with all that fire, I was scared and cold I was crazy, and I was wild And I have seen the tiger smile I spit in a bamboo viper's face And I'd be dead, but by God's grace Drive on, it don't mean nothin' My children love me, but they don't understand And I got a woman who knows her man Drive on, it don't mean nothin' It don't mean nothin', drive on It was a slow walk in a sad rain And nobody tried to be John Wayne I came home, but Tex did not And I can't talk about the hit he got But I got a little limp now when I walk And I got a little tremolo when I talk But my letter read from Whiskey Sam You're a walkin' talkin' miracle from Vietnam Drive on, it don't mean nothin' My children love me, but they don't understand And I got a woman who knows her man Drive on, it don't mean nothin' It don't mean nothin' Drive on BetterVegas: Destination Anywhere? Richard Nikoley of Uncommon Sense writes to me with a contrary point of view about the Nowhere Train, the Las Vegas Monorail that I have ceaselessly abused and derided. Richard was in Sin City over the weekend and took great delight in riding the rail: Gotta say that I was really, really impressed with the Monorail. Used it quite extensively over 2 1/2 days. Not one hitch, i.e., no line too long, no wait to long (6 minute intervals), no glitches at all (in the 8 rides I took). Here's what I liked as Joe Strip Crawler:As a matter of disclosure, I must reveal that I have never ridden the Monorail. I've been to Las Vegas several times since it was supposed to have begun operation, but not since its actual long-delayed grand opening. I have driven the route many times, monitoring construction progress. And I expect I will take the Monorail a good deal more often that the ordinary tourist, but this is because I am not an ordinary tourist. I've taken the Mandalay Tram many, many times, even though it is damned inconvenient to make a round trip on that goofy cable car--even though the Mandalay Tram is much better situated than the Nowhere Train. And: I have no intention of quarrelling with Richard. I've known him forever, and I read him as being a uniquely well-grounded libertarian, actually capable of living his life to the fullest in less-than-ideal circumstances. Moreover, there is no disputing tastes, and I expect that my personal taste in this matter is very similar to his. But: That doesn't matter. The issue is: Is the location of of the Nowhere Train optimal? Expressed another way: Would the train have been as enjoyable but more useful if it ran down the center of The Strip, rather than along Koval Lane and behind the Convention Center? Bally's sits very far back from the street, and the food court at MGM Grand, while excellent, is easily ten football fields from the Strip--and getting past the throngs requires a good deal of broken field running. If you were starting at New York-New York, destined for the Stardust, would you welcome the long walks to and from the Monorail at the start and end of your trip? Possibly, casinos will develop high-dollar attractions on the Monorail sides of their properties. It seems very likely that high-density residential is going to develop along the Monorail route. The long-term plan is to build a parallel line along the I-15, at the back sides of the properties on the west side of the strip, so perhaps these same things could happen there. But I don't think it is an arguable point that the obvious best place for this train to have run, if it were to run at all, is down the center of Las Vegas Boulevard. Better still would be the kinds of improvements discussed here. I run hot, too, and Richard and I shouldn't have to take the Monorail to get out of the heat. Lying about the lies... Drudge: KERRY: "When we dedicated swift boat one in '92, I said to all the swift guys that I wasn't talking about the swifties, I was talking about all the rest of the veterans."Crediting this claim, surely an error, would imply that Kerry's Senate testimony contradicted his first-hand experience and concerned only matters for which he had no evidence. He lied then and he's lying now. Dissecting a deception Joshua Muravchik of the American Enterprise Institute in today's Washington Post: If -- as seems almost surely the case -- Kerry himself has lied about what he did in Vietnam, and has done so not merely to spice his biography but to influence national policy, then he is surely not the kind of man we want as our president. |
I am a a Realtor working in sunny Phoenix, Arizona, and the Designated Broker for Bloodhound Reatly. I am an Accredited Buyer's Representative, a Certified Buyer's Representative, a Certified Residential Specialist, an E-Pro Internet Certified Realtor and a Graduate of the Realtor Institute. I speak frequently on real estate issues and write a weekly column for West Valley sections of the Arizona Republic. If you need--or you know someone who needs--to buy or sell a home in the Metropolitan Phoenix area, I would be grateful for the opportunity to compete for the business. I think I represent the best of all worlds: Objectivist intelligence, Libertarian integrity and Catholic conscientiousness. For a liberty-loving take on real estate news, visit the Bloodhound Home Marketing Group weblog. And if what I'm doing suits the readership of your web site or weblog, please do link to it. Or go me one better by putting the customizable button above on your web page. Either way, for every person you refer who buys or sells a home with us, we will donate 10% of our net commission to the charity or advocacy group of your choice (within limits; we won't give money to people who kill people). Find out more from our referral page.
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