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Egoism Individualism Sovereignty Splendor (These ideas are explicated in this sloppy manifesto) SplendorQuotes: Splendor is the interior experience of being so enthralled by the act of creating the values that contribute to and ultimately comprise your idealized perfect self that, while you are experiencing it, you are your idealized perfect self. Living is what you're doing when you're too enthralled to notice. Dying is what you're doing when all you can do is notice. Man is the only animal capable of comprehending what his life requires, and he is the only animal capable of failing to do what his life requires. Self-love is the joy and reverence you earn and deserve by the relentless pursuit of your deepest desire. Self-esteem is the high regard in which you presume to hold yourself in appreciation for the accomplishment of absolutely nothing. Greg Swann's writings Wild Cochise Gang: Our family pages and Christmas cards Read my free e-book about love, splendor and philosophy, The Unfallen My Myers-Briggs type is ESTJ: Administrator--Much in touch with the external environment. Very responsible. Pillar of strength. 8.7% of population. Take a free Myers-Briggs personality test. War with Iraq: The Cain Doctrine The 'wrest' of the story Taking a better grip Why the Bush Doctrine will prevail--and fail A Just and Libertarian war... Persephone's second coming... presence of the recent past Nick and Norm drive the point home A Costco family Christmas Hang tough The season's greetings Curing the incuriosity of the East A canticle for Kathleen Sullivan Colloquy with a goat Back-handing the sinister American left To Condi, with sweetness Reds Sacrificing Diana Defusing the Unabomber Let 'em eat steak Shyly's delight Anastasia in the light and shadow Archives Join the email update list ![]()
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
The lost Willie stories, Part I: Why the Spokesmen wouldn't speak I started writing Ramblin' Gamblin' Willie stories in 1985, while I was working on Mantrap. I was teaching myself how to write, and if you read that book, you can watch me graduate from a crude Ayn Rand clone to the resonance--or dissonance--that is uniquely my own. Right about halfway through the book the style becomes unmistakably Swann. I'd like to think I've gotten better since then, but everything that is here now was there by then, in embryo. But because I was trying with all my mind to write Grand Opera, I started writing the Willie stories purely for fun. In my original conception of the format of a Willie story, they were to be the polar opposite of Grand Opera: Almost all dialogue and virtually no narrative. More script than story, and any narrative burden that could be carried by dialogue was carried by dialogue. A good early example is The man who sells nothing. Another one from that time, Marla the Adorable introduces a number of recurring Willie themes: Honest children among corrupt adults, Willie's subversiveness, and the phrase, "Everybody's gotta take a side," which is Willie's way of rationalizing what he seemed to believe to be a futile effort to sustain good in the world. And, by then, even, the damn fool was already off the reservation. Most of the Willie stories fit the format, even fairly recent once like "Jihad, Las Vegas!" But all along Willie was pulling away, looking for his own kind of Grand Opera. It's all right out there in Anastasia in the light and shadow, far and away the best Willie story ever. And there are strong hints of a secret back-story in How to slay dragons and A canticle for Kathleen Sullivan. All of those secrets are going to come out sometime soon, when I finally get around to writing last year's Christmas story. Willie started out as the perfect foil, but no man can be content to be a foil forever. I have no idea how many Willie stories there are. Dozens and dozens, anyway. There was a time when I was writing two or three of them a week. I thought I had most of them, but just lately I stumbled across a cache that people have been hoarding since the Cold War. They had a few that I not only did not have but which I did not even remember. Fun for me to see them, almost like reading myself for the first time, which I never get to do. A couple of them are outrageously fabulist, just another example of my warped foil in rebellion. This one, Why the Spokesmen wouldn't speak, is Willie playing with 1984 and The Brothers Karamazov (and maybe also Felix the Cat) in either the Reagan or the first Bush administration. Even so, it is as completely topical as this morning's news. Why the Spokesmen wouldn't speak Monday, March 29, 2004
Abel's world: Honoring Cameron's mind... ![]() So my goofy braniac kid, Cameron, who may in fact be the better teacher tormentor in our home, is being inducted into the National Junior Honor Society. This after everything--and there is a lot of everything--and in his first year of eligibility. Go figure. I am of two minds on this honor. On the one hand, we are avidly collecting every bit of resume material we can get our hands on, because the boy's academic ambitions will require a long list of achievements and accolades with which to wow admissions officers. But on the other hand, I am not hugely in love with the philosophical underpinnings of the NJHS. Cameron always plays violin for these induction ceremonies, so we are obliged to go every year. To get into the NJHS, you have to be a perfect little egoist, gravely and joyously pursuing self-improvement at every turn. This much I like. But at the induction ceremony itself, you are admonished to loathe yourself and to devote your every waking moment to service and sacrifice. I'm sure the children know better, and I'm sure the anegoistic hectorers know the children know better, so it's all a cynical charade, like the cynical anegoistic hectorings we hear all day, every day, every which-where we go. But it would be nice, once in a while, to honor honorable conduct by saying, "This is good! This is admirable! This is the behavior everyone should emulate! You are to be praised and encouraged for your manifest virtues, and you have every reason to be proud of yourselves for daring to respond to reality as it really is! In short: Well done!" This cannot happen, of course. Cain's world is never truly his own, and Cain must always make faked obeisances to Abel's world, where service and sacrifice are the penance to be paid for failing to express perfectly and consistently the self-loathing that is Abel's only reality. We live by the grace of the minds of the best among us, people who have devoted their lives gravely and joyously to pursuing self-improvement at every turn. We die as we spit at and tax and destroy these people and their virtues. We have lived for ten millennia since Cain, but, alike unto him, we have learned nothing of reality as it really is. As an added bit of purely accidental irony, the induction ceremony is being held on April 19th. This is Patriot's Day, Lexington-Concord Day, but it also Massacre at Waco Day and Oklahoma City Bombing Day, among very many other checkered days in American history. Except for my goofy brainiac kid, probably none of the children being inducted into the NJHS know that particular date on the calendar and why it matters. So much the worse for them... |
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