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Egoism Individualism Sovereignty Splendor (These ideas are explicated in this sloppy manifesto) SplendorQuotes: Splendor is the interior experience of being so enthralled by the act of creating the values that contribute to and ultimately comprise your idealized perfect self that, while you are experiencing it, you are your idealized perfect self. Living is what you're doing when you're too enthralled to notice. Dying is what you're doing when all you can do is notice. Man is the only animal capable of comprehending what his life requires, and he is the only animal capable of failing to do what his life requires. Self-love is the joy and reverence you earn and deserve by the relentless pursuit of your deepest desire. Self-esteem is the high regard in which you presume to hold yourself in appreciation for the accomplishment of absolutely nothing. Greg Swann's writings Wild Cochise Gang: Our family pages and Christmas cards Read my free e-book about love, splendor and philosophy, The Unfallen My Myers-Briggs type is ESTJ: Administrator--Much in touch with the external environment. Very responsible. Pillar of strength. 8.7% of population. Take a free Myers-Briggs personality test. War with Iraq: The Cain Doctrine The 'wrest' of the story Taking a better grip Why the Bush Doctrine will prevail--and fail A Just and Libertarian war... Persephone's second coming... presence of the recent past Nick and Norm drive the point home A Costco family Christmas Hang tough The season's greetings Curing the incuriosity of the East A canticle for Kathleen Sullivan Colloquy with a goat Back-handing the sinister American left To Condi, with sweetness Reds Sacrificing Diana Defusing the Unabomber Let 'em eat steak Shyly's delight Anastasia in the light and shadow Archives Join the email update list ![]()
Thursday, January 13, 2005
SplendorQuest: Cain's redemption Richard Nikoley brings forth a wonderful essay on the founding of his business, and it put me in mind of enterprises I've been involved with in the past. I have the extreme luxury of working virtually alone for now, but when I was younger, I took it as a matter of honor to lead my employees to a better way of thinking. Not by arguing or hectoring, which is useless, but by making reality-oriented object lessons out of every little last thing we did together. Libertarians despair that there is nothing that they can do to forestall an imaginary bogeyman, called "endarkenment" by some, but one of the most vitally important things any libertarian can do to change the world is to live, breathe and especially teach the values of the middle class. I do not believe there is anyone purposing this outcome, but the net effect of mainstream culture is to rob less-independent people of the awareness of the possibility of self-reliance. By your life you can provide a potent counter-example everywhen and everywhere you are. You need not do this--it's not an affirmative obligation. But you can do it. It may well make the world an overall better place. I will pay you a dollar if it doesn't make your own workspace a better place. I think I have established that the idea of an "endarkenment" is absurd. History is driven by people, not by nebulous Hegelian trends. A few days ago, I cited the essay Reds, which explores long-standing trends initiated by evil conspirators long since dead. But their successors are stymied, at least for now, in part because Communism proved to be such an instant horror show, and in part because the children of the West are too busy living to be swayed by appeals to death. At the same time, specific individuals, notably President Bush, are driving history decisively and one hopes permanently in the other direction. Even so, it is not unreasonable to ask what one might do, now, in the context of one's own life, to change the world. It goes without saying that I have ideas on this subject. First, I think it is vain to suppose that anything will change in response to what amounts to a gesture. Almost two years ago, I wrote (and wrote and wrote and wrote) about what I saw as the futility of Claire Wolfe's tax scofflawry. The Cliff's Notes are here Deliberately frustrating your own goals in vengeance against the state seems to me to be enslaving yourself in the name of liberty.but I want to explore this more fully. First things first: Wolfe's scofflawry is not a rebellion but a vanity. I think she might be more consistent than other libertarian tax scofflaws, but it remains that she, like all of us, is up to her neck in the Kleptocratic quicksand. Property taxes, sales taxes, excise taxes, fuel taxes, sin taxes and every precious fee down at the Dee-Emm-Vee--all of them paid, freely, voluntarily, even eagerly. On the other side, 'free' water, 'free' books, 'free' roads, 'free' bandwidth--all of them lapped up greedily, avidly, without a second thought.Wolfe's claim is that she is a "striker" in the sense of Atlas Shrugged: Mr. Swann just doesn't understand. I chose to be poor when I chose to resist. It's a classic Atlas Shrugged strike.To which I countered: Which is to say, it's grandstanding. Atlas Shrugged is fiction. The idea of the strike is to illustrate in an artificially accelerated format how free societies slowly decay. There is nothing that is noble or wise or fulfilling or liberating in deliberately choosing to pout in the corner in order to punish the Leviathan. Being an Armadillo might be more consistent than being a disgruntled Good German, but it advances the cause of human liberty not at all. It's a gesture. That's all.Continuing from the same post, I engage an old friend: In email to me, Sunni Maravillosa says:I heard back from Sunni, and this is the essence of that exchange:A person has to start somewhere.Indeed. But Wolfe's way, either the truth of it or the Randified fictional version, is just about the worst way I can imagine. [Sunni Maravillosa] sent some mail to me today, and I want to deal with pieces of it:Billy Beck then weighs in with remarks about the presumed value of being a tax scofflaw, and this is my take on his remarks:In response to my comment, you wrote:My answer is that your values are not simply one of your values, but all of them, organized in a hierarchy. To set the value of living free of taxation ahead of every other value of life is disproportionate, to put it mildly. To sacrifice--or at least cripple--every other value of life in order to escape taxation is anegoic, acting contrary to the true needs of the self. We've heard two sets of arguments from Claire Wolfe regarding the worth and value of tax scofflawry, and I think I've shown all of these to be specious. Billy, whom I've known even longer than I've known Sunni Maravillosa and who I love dearly, may have better arguments to make than Wolfe's, but I have not seen them.That much is hammered home, I hope. The trouble is, it's not enough. I think it's crucially important for libertarians, especially, to make the most they can of their lives, to achieve the highest and best they are capable of. The primary reason is egoistic, always, but there are important secondary consequences: If you actually expect people to take you seriously when you presume to instruct them about right and wrong, good and evil, the better and the worse, the greater and the lesser, the sacred and the profane--looking, acting and living like someone who deserves to be taken seriously is probably more than wise. But that is not enough. We are children of the West, and like most of the children of the West, we are the children of Cain. I've written about this on and off over the years, and I think I've confused as many people as I've edified. Someday I'll write a book out of this metaphor and then all will be pellucid. In the mean time, I want to revisit a short summary: The Cain and Abel stories we remember and tell don't bear much relation to the originals in Genesis and the Koran. We call Abel the good guy, because he was pleasing to god and because he was slaughtered by Cain, the bad guy de facto. But Abel is pleasing to God because his sacrifice is livestock, where Cain's, displeasing to God, is grain.The little-minded will quibble that Cain and Abel were Mesopotamians or Assyrians or whatever, not Semites or Greeks. Oh, well. And it's horribly unfair to recast Judeo-Christian-Islamic mythology; we can only do that with the Greeks or Romans. My answer to all this comes from an old TV comedy show: In my country, we call this a metaphor. The problem is that the children of Cain--as understood here--have never asserted their moral independence from Abel and his God. This is me from an article about a particular instance of the type of indoctrination discussed in Reds: To get into the [National Junior Honor Society], you have to be a perfect little egoist, gravely and joyously pursuing self-improvement at every turn. This much I like. But at the induction ceremony itself, you are admonished to loathe yourself and to devote your every waking moment to service and sacrifice.Cain's sin is not in being a man of the mind. This is the only human way of life. And Cain's sin is not in having failed, in large measure, to show the starving children of Abel how to live the life of the mind. This is a great gift that he can confer upon them, both locally and globally, and it might well work to his own long-term advantage. But it is not his obligation. Cain is not his brother's slave. No, Cain's sin is failing to assert the existential and moral rectitude of his way of life when this is challenged by the senseless gibberings of Abel. It is Cain's world all day, every day, but every metaphorical Sunday, it is Cain who kneels to Abel, begging for permission to rescue the impotent Abel from the void that he has made of his life. This is a mistake. It is not necessary to argue or hector, to waste your life on people who will never do anything but waste their own. It is not only not necessary but downright stupid to affect to go "on strike," to destroy your own life as a vengeance against Abel, whose sole objective is to get you to destroy your own life. It were well to live as well as you can, primarily for your own sake, and secondarily as a good example for those children of Abel who can profit by a good example. But the one thing the children of Cain must do, for Cain's near-eternal sin to be redeemed, for his way of life to be redeemed, is to stand up for what is right. Ayn Rand said one must never grant evil a moral sanction, and that alone is enough for now. Not arguing, not hectoring, it is sufficient to say to the children of Abel, "That may be your belief, but I do not share it." A simple declaration that you do not give a moral sanction to your despoilers, as and where it is required. Without anger, without fear, without shame, without guilt, a simple dispassionate statement of your right as an individual to be an individual. To any rejoinder, it is sufficient to say, "I am as entitled to my beliefs as you are to yours." If your interlocutor persists, your reply is any form of, "I am a free and equal citizen and I am not subject to your oversight." There is more. As above, it is a mitzvah explain what you are doing and why to the children of Abel, to help them make the connection between effort and achievement, productivity and prosperity, morality and splendor. But whether or not you choose to do this, you should work to structure your world as Cain's world. Justice is a piece rate and a toll road. In Cain's world, you get what you pay for and you pay for what you get. Everything in your life over which you have control should be structured that way. If you control a payroll, it should be as close as you can make it to a piece rate or a commission structure: People should be paid according to their efforts, as much as possible. Not everyone can be an entrepreneur, but as much as possible, everything in your life should be modeled on the entrepreneurial ideal. Taxation is unchosen, but there should be nothing in your life over which you have the power of choice that resembles Abel's insane machinations. It is not necessary to remove yourself from society, nor to remove some or all of your productivity from the marketplace. It is sufficient only to withdraw your sanction from Abel and all his insane machinations. This Cain has never done, and in his failing to do it, it was Cain who ultimately made possible all of Abel's insane machinations. This is all no more than a gesture, too, for now. But it is a conceptual gesture, the communication of vitally important ideas, not a pantomime subject to misapprehension, misrepresentation or simply neglect. Will it effect immediate, dramatic changes? Probably not. Will it change all of the world, eventually? It will, much as the original Hellenic assertion of individuality did. The idea of "endarkenment" is inherently fatalistic. We hear the word "fatalistic" and we think of "fatality," of a morose conviction in the inevitability of morbidity. But the root of "fatalistic" is fatalis, fate. The opposite of fatalism is not optimism. The opposite of fatalism is free will. Humanity is not doomed to sink into some darkness. Humanity is not pre-destined in any way at all. If the forces of darkness manage to advance their cause here or there, now or before, it's because particular human beings chose to act in particular ways. And, worse for us all, the children of Cain chose not to re-act appropriately. If the children of Abel can act--helter skelter, willy nilly, in their comically inept fashion--to make things worse, then, obviously, the children of Cain can focus their minds and direct their actions to making things better. Cain's Original Sin was not that he made a sacrifice of grain, but that he made a sacrifice at all. It is within your power to redeem that sin, and thus to redeem all of the world. Not by shunning Cain's world, but by daring, at long last, fully to embrace it. "Would you blame a coma victim for wetting the bed?" Another gift from Arst, this charming defense of Neo-Nutbar Prince Harry. Me spotless, you guilty... This is my friend Mike Arst, surfing the tsunami news: I have begun reading The Death of Satan, which concerns Americans' gradual loss of a clear sense of evil in the world. Near the start of the book the author discusses the Puritans and their sometimes-paradoxical views about Satan sometimes an external figure, sometimes an internal one. He touches upon some Puritans' feelings of self-loathing: it wasn't just that they believed the human race to have fallen from God's grace; some also held themselves, as corrupted individuals, in permanent contempt. Tuesday, January 11, 2005
SplendorQuest: Fear of the "endarkenment"... Billy Beck shoots back about this, but there really isn't any argument there. Again it turns out that I don't understand the Socialist atrocities of the last century, so again I will refer you to here, where I dissect the casualties. The gist of Beck's claim is that because New York State has dumb gun laws, The End Is Near, which event is evidently to be commenced by calling in air strikes on backyard shooting ranges. O, the drama. In fact, the notion of "endarkenment" could, conceivably, be much better defended. But this would require more than a cataloguing of supposed symptoms. If Johnny can't read and community college students in California don't know anything and cute Ivy League know-nothings get cushy media jobs and Billy can't shoot his gun without fear of airstrikes, this might mean something, or it might not. What's missing is a unifying theory of why there is an "endarkenment". What unites these seemingly disparate incidents, and what in their theorized union foretells untold disaster? Of course, nothing unites them. They're just noise, and most of what is reported as news is nothing more than background noise. Everything that is truly important to human life goes unreported, precisely because it is ordinary. People work, parents provide for their children, doctors heal, elevators don't fail, boats, planes and trains run on time (and it was American Capitalism that made the trains run on time, goddamnit!), formerly unskilled Koreans master the art of the luthier--all of this happens all day, every day, all over the world and no one takes notice. Ho hum... But let a tax-funded drone of a college professor in California brag about how perfectly uneducated are the tax-funded drones in his classroom, and this alone is sufficient evidence to predict immediate and unending doom. Bah! Here are two actual means by which the West might be "endarkened": 1. Philosophy. Socialism is an elaborate hoax whose sole purpose is the destruction of the self, the locus of humanity. It had a modest run in the last century, but the mountains of corpses it produces as a by-product gave the game away before it could achieve its totalitarian goals. By now it is a dead letter, geo-politically. Islamism has the more modest goal merely of the submission of the self, rather than its destruction. In consequence, it only produces corpses in abundance in the midst of conflicts, and its surviving victims are actually able to subsist at some level of efficacy, where Socialism's are not. Whether what we are seeing of Islamism right now is a genuine resurgence or the last flailing gasps of an historical dinosaur remains to be seen. In both cases, and in others that we might imagine, the impetus to "endarkenment" is the conscious goal and desire of a few knowing conspirators, an objective to be sought as the path to absolute power. 2. Decadence. Rome fell not because the barbarians were powerful, but because the Romans had made themselves weak. I don't think I have to argue that the West has a bad case of self-loathing. It is not epidemic, but it is more or less the entire political philosophy of the Left. This is a hangover from Socialism, and we can hope that the Left will recognize its futility in due course. I discuss what is in fact a union of Socialism and Decadence in Reds, and this is an enduring peril whose portents remain unplumbed. If we assume that anti-Western Decadence will grow steadily more endemic, that the West will come to loathe itself in the same way and with the same fever that Michael Moore loathes himself, then the barbarians are ready--and this would be a gift from Allah to Islamism--to sack and destroy and conquer and rule, Dark Ages Part Two. For my own part, I think none of this matters. Socialism is dead, Islamism is dying, and Decadence can only destroy a culture when it is inescapable. The market economies of the West are dynamic. Unlike Imperial Rome, spent dissipates cannot prevent new blood from taking over, renewing the vows of the Enlightenment. Tax-funded drones in California might drone on about their vast ignorance, but, in that very same California, the children of the refugees from an Asia ravaged by Socialism are racing to places the human mind has never been before. Islamism rages and ruins, but later this month the innocents of Iraq will have the chance to publicly repudiate it, as any sane person would. It could be that those countries beset by a millennium-and-a-half of Islamist "endarkenment" will be the seat of the next Renaissance. May Liberty make it so. Richard Nikoley has a sermon with a similar theme, and I commend you to it: There are two things that elevate people beyond a sense of being a victim, other than the moral principles that underlie it all: Capitalism and Science/Technology. Capitalism has been imperfectly implemented, of course, but even in socialist democracies, it uplifts people to a sense of self-sufficiency and pride.Reading that put me in mind of Shyly's delight, my own portrait of the face of god. In truth, I had never thought much about the argument of "endarkenment" put forth by Beck and others. Now that I have, I don't see much to think about. Either there is a conspiracy like Socialism or Islamism, in which case I should want to see the conspirators identified. Or there is an inescapable Decadence, which seems to me to be contrary to fact--to the vast accumulation of spiritual and technological riches that comprise the vitally-important but unreported news. Or there is nothing but a baseless fear founded upon no discernible rational argument of any sort. Sunday, January 09, 2005
SplendorQuest: Lighting candles... Billy Beck insists that I lack the conceptual ability to understand tyranny. If you scroll down to here, you will see me completely dissect tyranny, explaining what it is, why it is, how it persists and how, ultimately, it will be eradicated. I explore tyranny existentially, epistemologically, ethically and psychologically. I'm doing that job in around 2,300 words in the context of a story, boiling down the entire subject to a one-on-one encounter, boiling down a seemingly vast and intractable topic to a scale that can be apprehended by any mind. I will accept criticism of my mental acuity from anyone who can do that work as well or better. Which company does not include Billy Beck, who insists that cheap guitars, in the present political context, are analogous to Mussolini making the fucking trains run on timeThis is unconscionably false, of course. If the trains in Fascist Italy ever ran on time, the motive (no pun intended) was fear of retribution. The free world is flooded with cheap guitars--and cheap computers, cheap cars, cheap cell phones, cheap everything--because of the profit motive. In failing to make this distinction, Beck lets his anger run away with his argument. Even so, he hits a home run when he avers of me: you have no sense of outrageThis is absolutely true. I have no sense of outrage, nor of despair, nor of guilt, nor fear, nor shame, nor hopeless longing, nor self-loathing, nor any conceivable flavor of pain. I have never been angry for longer than a second in my life, and I have never, ever found myself in a situation where I could retain a focus on some negative emotion in the instant when I caught sight of some positive value. I have never been capable of despair, never in all of my memory. Intellectually, I think it is useless and stupid and wrong, but my reasoned reflection post-dates my fundamental emotional commitment by years. I have never once in my life called into question the idea that the time of my life is my sole capital, and I have never been tempted to squander that capital on the outsized indulgence of bilious outrage. That's the personal. This is the political: The world is not only getting better, it is getting dramatically better at an amazing pace. To the extent that there is any "endarkening" threat, it is not this or that inane "shocking" tidbit cribbed from the Drudge Report, it is the flagging but still potent peril posed by Islamism. There is no fundamental danger in someone like Hillary Clinton, although there are sure to be many Drudge Reports about her. When the absolute state in all its forms is regarded as its Socialist variant is, the affectation of a psychotic fringe, all of the "endarkeners" will have been left out in the dark. But at the same time, the world's most efficacious libertarian, President George W. Bush, is doing everything he can to transmit what he understands of human liberty to millions and millions of people who have never known it. That Bush's understanding of liberty is not perfect is lamentable, but bless that man for putting forth more than publicly prostrate lamentations. Democracy is not freedom, Capitalism is, but Bush's democracies will have markets free enough to engender a middle class, the best protector political freedom has ever known. There is no "endarkenment", and there is no justification for despair. The world gets progressively better--better, cheaper guitars and steadily better political institutions--because every sane human being wants his own life, and his childrens' lives, to be better. This is not hard to understand. Libertarianism is a philosophy of the sixties, and like its New Left cousins, it has always been afflicted with a globalized self-pity masking an interior inertia. The world each individual lives in becomes better, in greatest measure, to the exact extent he makes his own life better. Purpose, Productivity and Pride, said Ayn Rand, in what at one time was supposed to be a philosophy of human joy. The state of being that I call Splendor is the interior experience of being so enthralled by the act of creating the values that contribute to and ultimately comprise your idealized perfect self that, while you are experiencing it, you are your idealized perfect self. Splendor is the purpose of human life, the sole purpose of human life, and anything that you do instead or or in spite of that mental state is an act of self-frustration, self-inhibition, self-imprisonment--self-destruction. The world each individual lives in becomes worse, in greatest measure, to the exact extent he makes his own life worse. There is no torment a Hillary Clinton could ever devise that is worse that deliberately swimming--for life!--in your own bile. It really doesn't matter, though. We are what we do, and if we choose to do nothing, we come to be nothing. But this is not the way we are made, and while Splendor or even Purpose, Productivity and Pride may require a conceptual leap, Pleasure and Pain--Profit and Loss--are persistent goads that can be apprehended by any mind. I think it is foolish for anyone to do less with his life than he is capable of doing. The only thing true tyrants want, Socialists or Islamists, is the destruction of the self. Wallowing in self-pity, wailing in despair, instead of making the most and the best of the finite time of your life, your sole capital, is the voluntary surrender of a value that can never be taken by force. What is professed to be an "endarkenment" is simply willful self-destruction in an elaborate disguise. A correctable malady, although the time lost to it is irredeemable. But as I said in mail to Richard Nikoley, all human behavior is habit-forming: The better you do, the better you get at doing better. I wish you Splendor, Greg Swann SplendorQuest: A song of hope... I've been talking for the past few weeks with Richard Nikoley of Uncommon Sense about the ubiquity and, ultimately, insipidity of The-World-Will-End-Tuesday libertarian laments of hell and all its hand-baskets. Richard has been writing in this neighborhood since the start of the year, and I've followed up with him by email. Below is one of my emails, less than profoundly serious but fun for me. Following up, less momentously. (I'm wicked sick and fairly stupid from it.) |
I am a a Realtor working in sunny Phoenix, Arizona, and the Designated Broker for Bloodhound Reatly. I am an Accredited Buyer's Representative, a Certified Buyer's Representative, a Certified Residential Specialist, an E-Pro Internet Certified Realtor and a Graduate of the Realtor Institute. I speak frequently on real estate issues and write a weekly column for West Valley sections of the Arizona Republic. If you need--or you know someone who needs--to buy or sell a home in the Metropolitan Phoenix area, I would be grateful for the opportunity to compete for the business. I think I represent the best of all worlds: Objectivist intelligence, Libertarian integrity and Catholic conscientiousness. For a liberty-loving take on real estate news, visit the Bloodhound Home Marketing Group weblog. And if what I'm doing suits the readership of your web site or weblog, please do link to it. Or go me one better by putting the customizable button above on your web page. Either way, for every person you refer who buys or sells a home with us, we will donate 10% of our net commission to the charity or advocacy group of your choice (within limits; we won't give money to people who kill people). Find out more from our referral page.
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